Vectera early stage plan

If you are looking to integrate meeting rooms, booking pages, and user management in your platform and workflow, you can go for the API plan. As we don't want startups to miss the opportunity to integrate meeting rooms in their platform, we created the Vectera API early stage plan.

How to apply:

  1. Complete the form below. Make sure to mention that you're a startup in 'How would you like to use Vectera?'.
  2. We will invite you for an online meeting to discuss your ideas and the possibilities.
  3. If accepted, we will send you an API key and you will have a 2 week trial period.
  4. After the trial period, the API start-up plan begins.

What do you get:

  • Full API access to integrate into your platform/app for 12 months.
  • Accounts for your team members.
  • Technical support.
  • Whitelabel and Custom domain.
  • Personal success path & account manager.
  • Advanced integration capabilities including SSO sign-on.


  • Less than 1M in funding or 20K MRR
  • Less than 3 years in business
  • Teamsize < 5

(All requirements apply)


The start-up plan comes at €50 per month for a maximum duration of 1 year. (Generous) usage limits apply.

All prices exclude VAT where applicable.